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Five Safe Exercises For Pregnant Ladies

Five Safe Exercises For Pregnant Ladies

It's ideal to keep active and fit during pregnancy but talk to a doctor first to assure you don't have any health issues that restrict you from exercising. If there are no limitations, try to get in half an hour of moderate exercise everyday.


Regular exercise will help you maintain a steady weight, make you stronger and perkier, helpful in tackling pregnancy chores and lessen discomforts that plague most pregnant women.



  1. Brisk walking

Walking in general improves the overall health by:

  • Increasing metabolic rate
  • Providing more joint mobility
  • Preventing loss in bone mass
  • Lowering health risks such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, etc


It is easy on your joints, has the minimal risk and is a good way to start.


Extra Tips:

  • Stay safe by walking along smooth surfaces. Avoid paths with potholes, rock or other protruding obstacles in your way. For extra measures, wear supportive footwear to prevent accidental falls.
  • Listening to music while taking a stroll can enhance your mood!



     2. Stationary cycling

Indoor cycling is ideal because you won’t get to confront balance challenges unlike outdoor cycling. Not only that, it raises the heart rate while minimizing stress on the joints and pelvis. The bike is also helpful in supporting your current body weight and is less likely to fall.

Extra tips:

  • Avoid outdoor cycling as there are too much unforeseen circumstances to encounter.
  • Tone down your intensity. You’re basically exercising for two, which means it’s easier for your heart rate to rise more quickly and for you to wear off easily. Keep tabs on your heart rate from time to time to maintain at a safe level.
  • Higher handlebar may be more comfortable for movement during late pregnancy.


      3. Swimming

Aqua aerobics, treading in water or light swimming allow for movement without putting much pressure on the joint. It is essential to pick a swimming technique that feels comfortable on the bump and does not strain or hurt the shoulders or back muscles.

Extra tips:

  • Use railing for balance when enter and exit the pool to avoid slipping.
  • Steer clear from diving or jumping into the water which could impact the bump.
  • Avoid hot tubs, saunas or steam rooms, warm pool to minimize the risk of overheating.


      4. Yoga

Prenatal yoga classes can help women maintain their limb flexibility, aches in body and stress management. Yoga benefits in strengthening the muscles, stimulating blood circulation, enhance relaxation and induce techniques to a calm labour.


Exercise 1: Squatting help open the pelvis during labor.

  • Step1: stand with feet shoulder-width apart and flat on the floor, keep the back straight,
  • Step2: lower the buttocks down slowly, keep feet flat and the knees no further forward than the feet
  • Step3: hold for 10-30s at the lowest point, then slowly push up.


Exercise 2: Pelvic tilts

  • Start on the hands and knees.
  • Tilt the hips forward and pull the abdomen in, rounding the back
  • Hold for a few seconds.
  • Release and let the back drop. Repeat a few sets.

Extra tips:

  • As pregnancy progresses, consider skipping poses that may lead to lose balance, those involves lying on the abdomen or lying flat on the back.
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